Often expounded in corporate business circles are the words,
TRANSFORMAION and INNOVATION. Seldom seen or known are companies achieving
transformative and/or innovative thrusts. Donning the desire to drive a major
change toward an identified destination forms the initiating simple step. Then,
formulating a structured process to take the endeavour through constitutes the
onerous and lengthy next prime step, which is essential for reaping success. For
example, the next prime step should decide what specific projects to embark on.
The decision itself emanates from detailed analyses and intense deliberations
by relevant parties. This relates to sagacious leadership empowered to
activate such moves.
I have had often heard of top leaderships launching major change
programmes for their respective corporation but sad to say most were without
salient impactful results. Obviously, these leaders were not cognitive what it
would take to formulate the implementation process. They might not even
comprehend whether the intended programmes were the right ones befitting to
uplift the status of their corporation – perhaps they merely plucked an idea
out of the blue for purpose of portraying a new branding feel to its business.
Having the noble intent for transforming is only conception; the ability to
drive the change projects immaculately represents the delivery mould. Any
clarion call for transformation or innovation without any formal structure will
likely end up uneventful.
First thing first, a corporate directional overhaul must be
propelled by the topmost decision makers and drilled downwards to all echelons.
Board of directors and the chief executive are the main protagonists for
calling a major facelift. Once decided upon, they may then appoint the
transformation leader (if not the CEO himself) and team, which must be empowered.
Besides being empowered, the team must comprise the right leader (with
the right characteristics, knowledge and experience, acting as the specialist)
to guide the right team members in order to be effective.
A transformative intent is always initiated by the topmost echelon
in an entity, then engineered by the selected empowered team to pave the driveway
– this is the beginning. The engineering sequel reflects the bane (work strain)
before the boon (beneficial results), constituting an orderly procedure for
efficacious execution. May I now share my recommendation for structured follow-through
by the empowered team:
To identify the right direction for embarkation, research is
essential to fully realise the prevalent situational overview faced by the
entity concerned. The task involves studying all pertinent facts and data
pertaining to the current situation - like where the organisation stands now in
comparison with competitors, what is the progress attained thus far over the
years, the hurdles etc. Only when the important details are at hand after a cumbersome
research, can a proper diagnosis be done on why progress is stymied.
I am an ardent believer of the SWOT model (originated
by Albert Humphrey) for diagnostic exercises. It helps to officially document
the corporate strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) of an entity.
It also outlines the potential opportunities (O) while noting the
looming threats (T).
Top executives in any large entity should aptly understand
where its strengths lie so that they can capitalise on the strengths;
they ought to recognise its weaknesses, to implement improvements on the
weaknesses (albeit not possible to eradicate all weaknesses in one go).
They should garner the strengths and improvements on weaknesses for tapping the
potential opportunities and circumventing imminent threats pacing at the
corporate doorsteps. Such analytical efforts of its empowered team entail
intense diagnostic information for viewing by all pertinent officers.
This activity comes in after having obtained all pertinent
facts and data on the current scenario. A brainstorming exercise is aimed at
depicting the new corporate vision and mission (i.e. the objectives)
which signal the type of major changes to be materialised. Normally, vision and
mission statements are composed as part of the exercise to outline the coveted
changes, reminding all personnel where the destined journey will head to.
While the empowered transformation leader and team play as
facilitator and moderators respectively, all senior officers, department heads
and deputy/assistant heads should be included as active brainstorm committee participants.
Ground Rule 1: Encourage inputs from all and list out their suggestions. Ground
Rule 2: Discuss the suggestions and identify the workable ones based on
majority consensus. The stage is then set for the following:
# Set the concurred targets and overall tenure for
fulfilment, say 3-year plan.
# Outline the special actions and programmes that the
committee has propounded for implementation, that would drive toward the
objectives/targets. Indicate the timeline for each item.
# Identify the RR “punch”: - RR stands for Required
Resources, viz. (a) manpower resource (type of manpower), (b) budget
resource, (c) facilities resource.
# Table a working paper or blueprint containing the
points derived from both the diagnostic and brainstorming episodes to the board
of directors and chief executive for endorsement. The working paper must be
pristine, which means requiring documenting, writing and presenting skills
of the transformation team. Once the full buy-in of the topmost echelon
is secured, the empowered team pursues the next phase below.
Execution entails detailed measurements critical for
underpinning the on-going progress levels attained at set timelines. An
immaculate template for recording the periodic progress plus providing
update reports at different timelines should be drawn up. The recorded contents
and summarised update narratives serve as the master overview of how the
launched projects are faring as at selected schedules; for example, where the
shortfalls lie and how far behind the targets etc. The update summary should
recommend reinforcement actions to close the gaps quickly. Comprehensive
periodic overview updates will support the topmost echelon to endorse the
catchup recommendations proposed by the team. (Free samples of such templates can
be retrieved via google search. Modification should be made to fit the specific
scenario of the entity concerned.)
Here comes the crucial final phase. Despite all the
preparatory due diligence (as above), unperceived risks or flaws may still
possibly emerge during implementation. For example, if a new system to
facilitate major changes is incorporated, there is no guarantee it is initially
fool proof. To play safe, transformation protagonists prefer to first conduct a
pilot/trial run, i.e. mini rollout. Four areas are aimed at during the
trial: * Make observations whether the run goes smoothly or with hiccups. **
Gather feedback from selected focus group of stakeholders. *** Identify the
lessons learnt. **** Identify what elements should be improved – this may or
may not need approval from the chief executive, depending whether the proposed touch-up
improvements pertain to major or minor considerations like on additional costs.
Finally, after some fine-tuning based on lessons learnt from
the pilot run, time to roll out the main launch. But hold on……it is not yet the
real finale. Bear in mind periodic reviews must still be conducted at the set
timelines of the entire implementation tenure. Tweaks may be needed along the
way to ensure efficacious end results.
Again, I re-emphasise the four key prerequisites for a successful
transformation drive: (1) The transformation team must be proficient to handle
the special change projects. (2) The team must be empowered by the topmost management
of the entity concerned to coordinate with relevant internal stakeholders and
to rope in their participation. (3) An intensive monitoring cum review system
is put in place for progressive measurements and new side recommendations
during the entire tenure. (4) Whole-hearted support from the topmost management
to the transformation team. Overall, the endeavour is a concerted and tedious process
but ultimately necessary, otherwise all efforts will turn out futile………waste of
My own quotes……..
Transformation is not a superficial or showy activity; it
is a practical process of reality.
A smart leader knows generally what his company needs and
issues directions to fulfil the needs. A prudent leader comprehends fully what
his company needs and advises how to deliver the needs.
Now, a cartoon in jovial vein.......
Now, a cartoon in jovial vein.......