+ Simple reason why you should embark on self-development drives: Because "people buy people" - people "buy you" when you can enigmatise your calibre to them. 

+ To leap vibrantly forward, you need to understand your experiences backward. 

+ The best way to build profound self-confidence during your career journey is......Face up to challenges that cross your path by going through the trials. 

+ Three key pillars to kick-start your personal development - Like yourself; Like your work; Like dealing with people. 

+ What you ultimately turn out to be depends on your life philosophy. Do you have one now?

+ Say not "I've done no wrong," but ask "How much more do I need to do right?"

+ We prefer to focus on correcting the wrong, but not sufficiently spend time to pursue ahead what is right.

+ Focus on developing your work prowess by: * See more. * Listen more. * Gather more (information/materials for your file). *Less unnecessary talk. * Mind less (matters not within your job scopes).

+ Mere listening without perceiving will not grasp the correct viewpoint. Mere hearing without listening will not understand the real situation. Only by concerted perceiving and listening can one acquire a holistic approach for executing sound decisions cum actions. 

+ Dynamic performers do not necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything they have. They do the best they can, with what they have, from where they are. 

+ The easiest way to harness elements for developing your acumen is to surround yourself with people more experienced and wiser than you. 

+ In aspiring to be an astute manager, you must first understand fully your management role, and the roles of your team members, plus an overview comprehension of the roles of relevant peers who have work relationship with you. 

+ The efficacious process toward self-development entails one's ability to learn, unlearn and re-learn whilst undergoing changed roles. 

+ Network with peers who are the "experts" in work functions related (not necessary the same) to yours. Hold fellowship meet-ups over coffee to mutually "pick the brain" of one another for unlearn and re-learn. 

+ Confuscious said: "Real knowledge is to know one's own ignorance."

+ Think holistically and with prudence before you blurt out from your mouth, otherwise you will be like slapping your own checks for expressing the wrong message. 

Now, here is a real story (tweaked by me to cast a similar allegory) relating to the last reflective quote.........

An Asian nation had been immersed in brouhaha between rival political parties on public accusations of its premier siphoning out government funds for his own end. However, this political leader was able draw strong support from his sycophants. During one parliament session, a crony member of parliament (MP) used an allegory to express the outstanding leadership of the premier in nation building. The MP outlined the story as follows: A father (symbolising the ruling party in the government) gave three sons $1000 each and asked them to buy items that could fill up his storeroom (symbolising the small nation). The first son bought loose hay, yet it could not fill up the room fully. The second son bought loose cotton but also could not fill up the room. The third son, being deemed the smartest, bought a large candle for $10, then lit it up, and the light filled the room completely. The MP likened the premier as the third son who was able to serve the nation with the light of prosperity by frugal spending. Immediately, an MP of the opposing political party stood up and questioned: "Where is the remaining $990 - where has the balance gone to?  Disappeared in thin air?" The crony could not answer. Ultimately, the premier was deposed in the next general election whilst the crony MP was not re-elected. MORAL OF THE STORY - THINK HOLISTICALLY AND PRUDENTLY BEFORE YOU SPEAK, OTHERWISE YOU SLAP YOUR OWN CHEEKS.




Greetings. I am pleased to share some of my quotes (1st batch) archived by me based on my work philosophies cum past numerous years of experience as an officer in a financial corporation. These are the philosophies dear to me, which have kept me to continue plotting my life journey over 4 decades. Here goes......

* Whatever you assimilate from what you learn now will become part of who you will be in your future. 

* Change, whether positive or negative, is the end result of all learning. 

* Our thoughts are often expressed in our words; our words may lead to our actions; our actions become our experiences; our experiences turn into our beliefs. 

* Feed positive inputs into your mind in order to be imbued with the right beliefs.

* Understand disagreements, not oppose them. By doing so, you will become wiser. 

* You need to know how to learn first before you begin to experience real learning. 

* Making a wrong decision at the wrong time equals a disaster; making a wrong decision at the right time equals a mistake; making a right decision at the wrong time equals a futility; but making a right decision at the right time equals a success.

* Leaders stem from being avid readers - this is the fundamental phase for leadership development. 

* In order to guide other people efficaciously on a specific project, you must first have acquired profound experience on the same subject. 

* A groomed-up subordinate is one who is capable to smoothly execute the functions of his/her upliner when the latter goes on leave or resigns. 

* Do not be contented by being a follower of incoming trends. Instead, be an initiator and setter of a new trend. 

* Be proactive to cross over imminent problems by embarking preemptive actions. Do not be reactive by taking actions only when problems arise. 

* Investing in personal resilience and stress management training can mould up a steadfast character to overcome life hurdles. 

* Being engrossed in long working hours is a symptom of counter-productive work. It signals signs of incapability to manage time, energy and relationship with team members, thus lacking efficiency and effectiveness. 

* Build skill sets that are different from traditional ones already prevalent in peers. If you exercise the same common traits as your peers, you will not churn out different and vibrant results.     

* If you just move around with colleagues akin to your mindset, you will never upscale your mental prowess.

* Innovation does not necessarily get bolstered by an idea; it may start with a problem to solve. 

Happy Reflecting!




What is your reaction if I promulgate that stress experiences in your environment - whether work or personal - may not be negative, but on the contrary could be positive feelings? No, I am not out of my sound mental faculty! Truly, some kinds of stress in your endeavours can transpire a positive impact to you if managed positively and effectively.

To most people, facing stress over time likely leads to "distress", which could pose health risks like insomnia and hypertension. Definition of "distress": experience of anxiety, sorrow and mental affliction. When not well managed, this form of utter negative stress may lead to mental depression, possibly culminating to suicidal inclination.

But how does one attain positive elation by overcoming the otherwise negative impacts of stress episodes? boils down to a person's mind-set. Now, here comes my elaboration of my statement in the first paragraph by introducing the word "eustress". It entails stress that motivates or energises an individual to perform better for delivering goals. The situation depends much on the personal state of mind in responding to challenges. For example, an avid athlete coveting for glory (of winning championship awards) will be prepared to stress himself to the uttermost by undergoing strenuous workouts. To him, his strenuous workouts are a joy as he makes physical progress. When he finally reaches his dream accolades, the feeling of exuberant elation immerses into him with ecstasy. 

To positive-minded individuals who readily assimilate life challenges (whether in the form of problems, issues or trials - including in work, personal endeavours, or environment), the lack of "stimulated"stress can cause boredom. They accept such challenging stress will heighten their senses and improve their performance levels. Despite having to face physical cum mental demands, they envision ultimate achievements as exalted elation. Nevertheless, to sustain the positive mental state, they know how to "unwind" regularly too, like physical burnout exercises and meditation. 

Why many individuals feel emotionally distressed when encountering negative situations in work? Personal development cum leadership "guru" Dr. Steven Covey, in his Greatness Training Programme, listed out three main factors, viz. * No clear purpose or vision. * Under-utilised talent. * Bureaucratic misaligned system. He suggests the following mind-set change as follows:

(1) Soul search for path finding, with the objective of concluding clarity of purpose in personal life.

(2) Unleashing the main talent, in empowering competency to surmount obstacles, issues etc.

(3) Seek alignment - persevere to adapt to the situation. Re-focus both mental and physical energy to manage the situation.

(4) Synergise with others for mutual support. Build relationship.

(5) Formulate an effective strategic roadmap. To efficaciously execute tasks well, it invariably involves planning, prioritisation, time management, adaptability.

Another avenue is to attend courses in instilling positive mental attitude (PMA). Such will serve as bolsters, like:

* Understand the internal and external causes of negative thinking.

* Learn methods/techniques for switching from negative to positive mind-set.

* Creative thinking to convert challenges into opportunities.

* Handle workplace negativity.

* Tips on personal development.

* Problem solving techniques.

* Anxiety control and meditation.

* Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), incorporating topics like self-awareness, managing emotions, personal change techniques. 

Now, I cite the life story of Nick Vujicic (although many may already know who he is), the highly sought-after inspirational speaker on positive attitude building. His personal testimonies delivered to packed audiences have touched the hearts of many people. With an extremely rare congenital disorder called Tetra-Amelia Syndrome, he was born 40 years ago without limbs (no arms and legs), except a tiny foot on his left hip to support his ability to stand upright. Yet, he swims regularly, also could surf and skydive. 

He was utterly distressed as a young boy because he was bullied in school. He struggled with depression, so much so that he attempted suicide when he was 10 years old. His thought of his father's agony if he had ended his life, was the factor that prevented him from that. The turning point came when he was 17 years old - in a friendly encounter, the janitor of his high school sowed the seeds of thought into him that he should venture into public speaking. Four months later, he tested by sharing his story to a small group of 6 peers. Then at 19 years old, he addressed to an audience of 300 sophomore students. Thereafter, there was no turning back in his thrust to inspire other people. As one of the top motivational speakers now, he has travelled to more than 74 countries.

To Nick, fear is the real disability, not physical disability. His earlier distress about his physical handicap, and being mocked by other kids, let him to become depressed when he was 10 years old. However, the new insight of his ability at age 17 turned his distress to eustress. He accepted that there were challenges in life, and that it was about doing the best of what he had. It was his choice to define his own ability. In addition, he committed himself to Christianity, now drawing near to God via prayer to guide him in managing his time and making good choices. He declares: "My faith in God and my personal relationship (with Him) has given me the strength to go on, and the humility and grace to ask Him to change my life each day."

More (Nick's) quotes:

* The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph.

* I love life because I've seen my purpose.

* I have a choice. I can be angry about not having limbs, or I can be thankful that I have a purpose. 

* I encourage you to accept that you may not be able to see a path right now, but that doesn't mean it's not there. 

* Don't give up on God because God will not give up on you.

                                                (Article scribed on 24 November 2023)



It is a norm of young career-minded working individuals to covet for high leadership role within a tenure of 10 years or so. For this accentuated personal mission, they embark on endeavours to shape up their management acumen, particularly in directing and instructing. A pertinent aspect not given sufficient cognizance in respect of personal leadership development is…..COUNSELLING.

Many senior executives are adept in executing directions, giving instructions, exercising manpower control – and so forth – in the name of effective management. However, very few pay attention to the need for counselling skills. This is where they miss out – the link to a more stellar overall leadership and management role. Why so, you wonder? Reason: Successful counselling efforts require a time-consuming process.

In essence, committed counselling drives necessitate the following requisites:

·        # Not being undiscerning judgemental (not forming immediate conclusions on a subordinate.

·        #Tolerance, patience, perseverance (willing to withstand a lengthy process).

·        # “Open” listening attention (open-minded, willing to hear out all inputs).

·        # “Learned” understanding (equipped to comprehend the real issues faced by the counselee)  - example: emotional, technical, cultural, work environment.

·        # Empathy (recognising the feelings of the counselee).

·        # Offering the right advice (suiting the issues of the counselee).

The art of counselling can only be acquired via arduous trails for developing the requisites. That calls for stoic commitment manifested by the intended counsellor – which few leadership aspirants are willing to pursue. Besides the pertinent mindset and will to practise counselling, some knowledge levels are needed to be imbued. The personal development process takes a spread over time, thus involving tediousness that must be persevered.

The congenial result of effective counselling transpires to mutual respect, leading to a lasting tie between the counsellor and counselee (or so to speak, between leader and subordinate). Such affiliation results in elation  - the counsellor is elated for uplifting the counselee/subordinate; the counselee/subordinate is elated by becoming more resolute in facing life trials toward improving his efficiency and effectiveness.

What about mentoring? In some ways, it is akin to counselling, however not the exact match. A mentor teaches, guides, imparts know-how etc, that is cascading knowledge to subordinates via more of the one-way communication flow. For example, good teachers are good mentors in the classroom mode of communicating with students. On the other hand, committed counsellors are “penetrating” mentors who reach out to the hearts of those being mentored, applying patient listening, intended empathy and persevered understanding. See the intrinsic difference? Obviously, committed counselling entails arduous efforts. No wonder many leadership aspirants prefer to be mentors, not counsellors. Actually, they do not realise that profound mentoring incorporates counselling initiatives.

Way back many, many years ago, I took up a new job as business development cum trainer in an international financial entity. Two days before I reported for work, I was provided a stack of scripts by my new regional superior. He instructed me to digest quickly so that I could conduct a training session to the sales force on my first day at work. I was panicky because I had never conducted any official training in the past; moreover, the subjects were totally new to me. He allayed my apprehension by assuring he would reinforce the points shared by me during the session as he would elaborate his inputs at the end of each chapter. He advised me to take note of what he expressed so that I could learn the correct perspectives and understand my shortcomings. His interjection in between the training session helped to boost my confidence. This episode cast my respect for him as my mentor. 

In addition to this superior, I was also blessed to learn from a seasoned senior sales manager who became my counsellor. In my first discourse with him, he ingrained into me his concocted proverb which went thus: "The more you know, the more you come not to know. The more you don't know, perhaps the more you may know. Whether you know or don't know, it is immaterial for anyhow in the role you are holding, you got to know." I was utterly bewildered! The elderly gentleman then explained:

The first phrase means that when one tries to cram too much knowledge of a particular field in one go, he will be confounded as his mind becomes cluttered. The second phrase connotes that during the temporary phase of confusion, if the protagonist analyses what has gone wrong in his pursuit for fast know-how, he may correct his approach and then gain insight. The third phrase indicates that because of accountability and responsibility involved in the specific role, the appointed officer must  garner for himself the relevant facts over sufficient time to improve his calibre. What words of wisdom! From then on, I frequently consulted the "fatherly" figure for advice whenever I encountered issues......until I was assigned to another (higher) role. Thereafter, I thought to myself - would there be better expediency if my superior was equipped to serve as my mentor cum counsellor in one instead of me shuttling between two "advisors"?

I end by sharing the video (below). It exudes the sentimental experiences of a teacher with her delinquent student that culminates in mutual respect, long-term positive affiliation and personal satisfaction. Yes, a revered leadership trait encompasses astute mentoring cum counselling skills which could only be acquired via committed focus in this discipline. 

@heavymetalmessiah Inspirational Story of a Student and Teacher told by Wayne Dyer - The Story of Teddy #inspiration#teaching#wisdom#care#connection#love#joy ♬ original sound - heavymetalmessiah - Heavy Metal Messiah






(Foreword: I am now scribing a short sequel to my last contribution which was entitled IQ VS EQ, INTELLIGENCE VS WISDOM, MICRO VS MACRO MINDSET. Hence the contents in this article should be digested and reflected in conjunction with the points of the previous post.)

Many people know the terminologies of Intelligent Quotient and Emotional Quotient. They understand that the two relate to the mental faculty of individuals. However, few are cognizant of another two quotients which supplement or complement as extended values to IQ and EQ, viz. *Social Quotient (SQ); *Adversity Quotient (AQ). Since I had rendered a detailed account on the first two fundamental quotients in my previous post (which readers should refer for perceiving the entire links of the four dispositions), I now focus on unravelling the scopes of SQ and AQ. Here goes……


It is a disposition that helps to build relationship, friendship and alliance with people outside family members. Those with high SQ can interact well, possess understanding prudence, able to perceive inclinations of people they deal with. Their advantage includes knowing when to express, also when to listen attentively. More importantly, they exercise discretion for reacting appropriately in their discourse with counterparts.

Examples of programmes on sharpening SQ:

·         #Approaches for establishing rapport.

·         #How to strike out interactive conversations with new acquaintances during functions.

·        #Making new acquaintances feel comfortable for discourse with you.

·         #Listening skills.

·         #Asking the right questions.

·         #Recognising social trends.


       It entails the resilience to deal with adversities encountered in life. The management of adversities   much depends on emotional characteristics manifested by an individual. Hence AQ is an extrapolation   of EQ. Both AQ and EQ relate to adaptability of the person concerned for adjusting to unfavourable   situations.

       Examples of programmes on elevating AQ:

·         #Relevant spiritual uplift - like meditation methods, recreational activities, religious encouragement.

·         #Problem solving methods.

·        #Stress management.

·         #Adversities VS challenges – knowing the difference.

·         #How to maintain composure and avoid anxiety.

·         #Mental strength development.

 A person having high IQ and EQ is bestowed with a firm footing for doing well in the SQ arena – to wit, strong in networking for purpose of vocation or business leveraging. Quick perceptive prowess (reflecting IQ) enables him to recognise who may be his worthwhile networkers. Likewise, fraternal ability (reflecting SQ) caters for the right approaches for establishing effective interactive networks. On the other hand, positive personality traits (reflecting EQ) coupled with positive mental attitude (reflecting AQ) will exude the perseverance for continuous pursuit toward desired objectives despite encountering challenges.


 IQ and EQ serve as the fundamentals for a person’s propensity to progress in life endeavours. SQ and AQ, as the supplements, define one’s potential capacity to reach an efficacious result. The pertinent fundamentals must first be in place before embarking forward on any mission, otherwise futility is certain. In addition, the supplementary clouts pave the way to garner boosters for belting out the right actions. It is just like a chef concocting an exquisite cuisine……he needs the right basic ingredients (type of meat or seafood, vegetable, beans, nuts etc.); not only that, he chooses the right condiments (sauces, spices, seasonings etc.) and garnishes (side ingredients like parsley, lemon slices, mushrooms, chopped herbs etc. - usually used as items to spruce up palate and aesthetics of the dish). Similarly, for a desired objective or result to be wholesome, the four quotients should be inherently linked for sterling execution.  

                                             PIX NO. 1 ON SQ;   PIX NO. 2 ON AQ





Questions:  Is Intelligence Quotient (IQ) an inborn quality of an individual? And isn’t Emotional Quotient (EQ) an innate characteristic of people who are naturally strong mentally? My answer: Yes, to some extent. However, I must say elevation of both scores can be cultivated in progression by way of intensive training, tailored to suit various age groups from children to adults. Preferably, such training should commence when young in order to be more efficaciously ingrained.

I always promulgate that high IQ is genetically inherent in a “sharp-minded” person up to a minor extent. But such could be groomed organically to greater heights by undergoing well-structured personal development processes. Some programmes focus on building the cognitive (consciousness) ability of youngsters up to 17 years old. The modules include guidance for enhancing memory, better academic performance, creativity etc. These are aimed at elevating their IQ level.

I also promulgate that an individual possessing high EQ is one endowed with immaculate discernment, i.e. one who can make wise decisions. One popular EQ centric model encapsulates self and peripheral (surrounding) awareness courses besides bolstering interaction /relationship capabilities. Topics on projecting perception, understanding of cause and effect, paradigm shifts, vision extrapolation etc. are among the syllabus. In essence, the model trains participants to adopt holism in assessing a broad scope of related elements impacting any particular subject.

No doubt impeccable knowledge that germinates sharp skills may serve as a fulcrum for attainments in an endeavour, yet another set of vital essences – that of right attitude cum right habits – is essential in order to achieve true overall success. A person who is endowed with immaculate knowledge and skills (high IQ) to execute his mission will not make much headway without manifesting the right attitude and habits (reflecting resolute EQ), simply because the prevailing attitude and habits of an individual either beckons him to spur on or hold back the actions for driving forward. On the other hand, a person imbued with positive mental attitude and good habits but without the relevant knowledge and skills will also not make noticeable headway, simply because he does not know how to tread the intended path with certainty.

Although intelligence (pertaining to IQ) and wisdom (pertaining to EQ) are somewhat akin in the mental faculty, yet they inhibit polar differences. Many people focus on sharpening their alertness and quick-mindedness by undergoing brain-training activities. However, they side step – whether consciously or unconsciously – the vitality of holism as a quality contributing to wisdom. High IQ helps to grasp specific facts or ideas quickly with accuracy whereas high EQ encapsulates discernment ability pertaining to management of issues and dealings with other people. IQ pins on the micro aspects of the mental faculty for meting out specific task performance whilst EQ facilitates the macro (all related elements) understanding of any situation, necessary for arriving at sound decisions.

People commonly consider efficiency is akin to effectiveness in terms of impact to a task. They think being efficient brings about effective results, and being effective means being efficient (or tip-top, so to speak) in work. Is that really so? Now, please reflect on the following proverbial expressions to conclude whether you agree with me: An efficient worker does things in the right way, but those things may not be the right ones to be carried out in the first place. An effective worker knows how to do the right things, however may not necessarily know how to execute these in the right way. Only a protagonist possessing the right IQ and EQ is expedient to do the right things in the right way each time to attain astuteness. He needs to assimilate both the micro and macro (or holistic) perspectives.

To conclude, here are quotes for you to ponder on:

·         Intelligence leads you. Wisdom guides you.


·         An intelligent man feels he knows a subject matter sufficiently. A wise man knows there are still more things to learn on the same subject.


·        An intelligent man gives advice spontaneously. A wise man gives inputs only when all options are considered.


·        An intelligent man grasps what is said. A wise man grasps what is unsaid.


·        An intelligent man views an issue according to his personal experience within his realm. A wise man perceives an issue as related to other relevant issues outside his realm.


Intelligence garners some attainments, but wisdom achieves better impact. However, intelligence coupled with wisdom can hit immaculate outcomes.


·       He who feels he knows all the answers have not asked all the questions.


·TTo know what you know about a subject, and also know what you don’t know about it – that’s true knowledge.






I am a steadfast promulgator of sound fundamentals that prop up personal explicit performance. From my macro exposure in the corporate realm over 3 decades cum a decade in consulting work, I have become a fundamentalist. The points I am sharing now are based on my personal multifarious work experiences and practical observations, having been assigned to different roles during my active engagement era. I believe these bullets can give valid insights to career enhancement aspirants.

The fundamentals that I cite were the ones that I applied in my past assignments. I dare not say the results were outstanding, yet there were some conspicuous attainments. Being a retiree presently but still rendering freelance services to financial institutions, my intention is to encourage young corporate officers who enthuse to uplift their career status. Note: I will share one actual example in the later segment of this article to substantiate the validity of my points. 

I must admit the "formulae" are not my own innovation but a combination of principles adopted from different respected sources. Nevertheless, the narratives herewith represent my efforts to present the platter in my own style. Anyway, the sources of the adopted principles are cited as I narrate the elaborations now.......

Fundamental No. 1: "BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND" (Caption Source: Dr. Steven Covey's programme on "7 Habits of Highly Effective People")

Right at onset, an aspirant for performance efficacy should first form a firm vision where he/she desires to head for - attainment goals, objectives, longer term career/vocational destination etc. He/she should be clear in conjuring a mental map of the journey chart. The journey chart outlines a list of priorities, viz. determining the vital tasks to embark on first.

I narrate an analogy for illustration. Say, a new chief executive of a life insurance corporation has been commissioned by the board of directors to uplift the last few years of uneventful premium growth to multiple levels. He is required to submit his proposition to the board for view and approval. First things first, he should formulate his vision for the company - like on specific targets he is confident to achieve, attained performance ranking of the company in the industry, image status, set timeline etc. In addition, he needs to lay out the supporting mission, viz. the roadmap to reach the vision. It includes naming the officers to be drawn in for meting out specific accountabilities relating to the mission. 

Fundamental No. 2: "BE PROACTIVE" (Caption Source: Dr. Steven Covey's programme on "7 Habits of Highly Effective People")

Being proactive means being cognizant (fully aware), observant (watchful/close scrutiny) and anticipative (predicting incoming events) of the prevailing environment or situation. Factors encompassing the work/vocation/industry environment will somehow impact the end results, either positively or negatively. The aspirant needs to constantly keep abreast with the trends taking place from time to time so as to devise appropriate development action plans. Proactivity helps to thwart risks while looking out to capitalise on advantages which avail in a particular situation.

 Again, on the example of the new chief executive of an insurance corporation......not only the main focus is on new sales in order to net in higher premium volume, additionally he (presuming he is male) should keep himself updated about the events that likely have bearing on the industry. For instance, if statistics indicate the cost of medical treatments in hospitals will be escalating to enormous rates in the next few years, he ought to consider the following - whether to revise the premium rates for medical cover or stay at the same, or to launch new plans with revised cover features. He ought to be cognizant of the investment climate both locally and globally so that he can identify the right funds to support the life cover plans, for sustaining returns meeting the expectations of policyholders. On the other hand, he ought to know which volatile funds to avoid since it is the obligation of the company to protect policyholders' expectations, likewise also protect the company's image. 

Fundamental No. 3: "S.W.O.T." (Caption Source: Albert Humphrey/Stanford Research Institute)

S = Strengths            W = Weaknesses                O = Opportunities                T = Threats

SWOT promulgates a structured analytical methodology that garners the logistics essential for cultivating proactive analysis regarding the circumstantial facts at hand, in essence supporting Fundamental No. 2. Without SWOT, it is like driving to an unfamiliar destination without an electronic navigation guide like WAZE. The best that the driver by himself could rely on is intuition, hoping the presence of luck for arriving at the right destination in good time. That would then be arduous if not remote.

Depending on the quality and quantity of available resources, every entity possesses specific strengths on one hand and weaknesses on the other. The resources entail manpower, capital, financial situation, equipment/logistics, empowerment scopes bestowed by the board/owners to the management, outside network connections etc. An aspirant aiming to hit company goals should fully comprehend the company's strengths and weaknesses in respect of the resources for deployment. Very important, the chief executive must perceive its strengths and weaknesses before making revamps. 

Considerations like whether the existing senior officers at large are equipped with the right acumen for embarking a new mission has to be determined first. If they are not up to mark, then does the chief executive want to apply for extra expenditure budget so that he can recruit new blood? Or should he enhance the role of the resourceful employees whilst re-assigning some to other roles? Only by capitalising on existing strengths and rectifying some weaknesses based on prevailing resources, will a corporation thrust successfully forward. Likewise, a similar message to chief executives - know your strengths and weaknesses; for without recognising these, you will not understand your prowess for executing changes expediently and neither can you avert pitfalls consciously.

Equally vital is to recognise the threats and opportunities that hover the industry concerned at any one time period. I am still impressed by the prose picked up in my younger days from a corporate trainer. It goes somewhat like this: "In every adversity, there are also possible opportunities." I think it is a modification of Albert Einstein's original quote. Below is an actual example for elaboration.......

In Hong Kong, travel firms had been badly affected by the drop in both out-tour and in-tour ticket bookings at the height of the Covid infection scourge. While the pandemic threat to the tourism industry was unavoidable, an operator which depended on ferrying foreign visitors in its large fleet of bus coaches to various popular visit spots in the island faced a slump. However, the directors saw an opportunity on the side line. Being cognizant that many local residents had developed insomnia (sleep disorder) due to life pressures as reported in news portals and social news websites, they conjured a niche business idea to venture into the "sleeping bus tour service". They discovered from a sleep research clinic that insomnia-afflicted people could easily fall asleep in a comfortable moving bus because of the vibrating movements. They re-deployed the fleet of double-decker buses for this new alternative venture by arranging for a 5-hour slow drive cross the island colony.

Fares ranged from an affordable below HK$15 to over HK$50, depending on seat bookings either on the lower or upper deck, and also whether side amenities like ear plugs, eye masks, refreshments etc. were required. Each bus ride made a short stop at a scenic spot for those who wished to take a fresh air break or stretch their legs, while the rest could continue their snooze in the bus. Obviously this tour firm thrived despite facing a significant drop of business from foreign tourists by being aware of the side opportunity.

                                            (photo extracted from

Fundamental No. 4: "D.O.M.E. MANAGEMENT PROCESS" (Caption Source Not Known)

D = Diagnose             O = Objectives                M = Methods                E = Evaluation

DOME is a structured process for documentation of findings as the outcome of group deliberations from initial to end phase. In essence, team effort is entailed. All the pertinent points and details concurred by the team are encrypted into a reference blueprint for all relevant officers to comply, of course under the purview of the chief executive.
Recommended Diagnose Action List: * The current and imminent future situations which have bearings, whether positive or negative, on the business of the company - in other words, in the context of cognizance. * Sufficiency level of existing resources; also quality level of the resources. Assess the possible level of sufficiency in the future near term for deployment. * The standings of competitors' presence and image in the industry VS own standing - do the competitors have visible advantages? If yes, what are those? If no, then what are the own advantages of the company over the competitors? Note: This exercise supports the SWOT analysis by extrapolating for more encompassing facts.

Recommended Objectives Action List: * Establish the committed vision and mission statements (to support the general direction earmarked at the BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND initial phase. * Determine the coveted goals which may be challenging, yet aspiring and attainable. * Determine the targeted dates for accomplishment, i.e. short term (1 year), middle term (2-3 years), longer term (within 5 years). The objectives should be in line with Peter Drucker's S.M.A.R.T. goals formula (S = Specific; M = Measurable; A = Achievable; R = Results Orientated; T = Time Bound).

Recommended Methods Action List: * List out the practical execution strategies. * Set the calendar for successive reviews. * Formulate the required reference template for reviews. * Formulate the apt catch-up approaches for execution where needed. 

Recommended Evaluation Action List: * Note down the specific attainment levels vis-a-vis short tenure, middle tenure, longer tenure, based on actual to-date facts prevailing at each tenure phase. * Itemise the plausible remedies to alleviate the shortfall situations, if any. * Itemise which activities to maintain and which to discontinue.

Fundamental No 5: "THINK WIN-WIN" (Caption Source: Dr. Steven Covey's programme on "7 Habits of Highly Effective People")

Personal performance efficacy does not mean relying on lone efforts without collaborating with other individuals in the same entity. It is invariably due to the aspirant willing to spearhead joint efforts with relevant peers. No man is an individual can survive well alone......for somehow, somewhere, in some trying circumstances, he will need the help of another fellow in a matter of time. The selfish creed of "I must win without regard for the interest of peers" can never ever thrust forward gallantly. Consider the following quotes on Think Win-Win from Dr. Steven Covey's programme:

# I get better results in my relationship by cooperating interdependently than by competing independently.

# I seek the benefit of others as well as my own. 

Think Win-Win also encourages an aspirant to listen more, stay in communication longer and communicate with more courage. 

To Sum Up:

I now share a real episode that involved me in 2007 when I was heading the special product promotion unit in an international life insurer. The challenging assignment cast down hard by the top management to me and a peer (Ms. "ASC") who helmed the product development unit, was to shore up Single Premium (SP for short, i.e. one lump sum premium) growth to multiple folds. The SP volume at that time was negligible compared to Regular Premium contribution. We deliberated and then envisioned a minimum achievement of RM200 million might be a bit far-fetched but yet attainable with a niche captivating promotion strategy in place (Begin With The End In Mind).

We conducted a brainstorm session (Diagnose) with the senior officers of the dedicated Agency and Bancassurance (tied bank relationship) channels, acknowledging these two business distributions were the main contributors to the company's overall premium revenue (Be Proactive). We knew the two channels had extensive outreach of clientele base (Strengths, Opportunities), thus our selling point to secure the officers' collaboration was that the result would add weight to their performance index if the initiative became successful (Think Win-Win). All of us concluded to target at the high net worth clients of the agents and partnered banks (Objectives) who intended to plan for the well-being of the next two generation lines, viz. parents/grandparents for children/grandchildren. The Group Insurance division was not included because it mainly focused on providing basic insurance cover at low premium rates to ordinary employees of enterprises which paid the costs. At the same time we knew we could not rely on the dedication of insurance brokers and independent financial advisors toward our campaigns as they served various insurers in the market (Weaknesses).

During the first decade of the 21st century, Australia was the favoured country for tertiary education overseas to children of affluent Malaysian parents. The brainstorm team acknowledged this was mainly because the exchange rates from Ringgit to Australian Dollar at around RM2.80/AUD1 were comparatively lower than with American Dollar or British Sterling Pound. Moreover the quality of Australian institutions offering courses like Business Management, Medicine, Architecture, Accounting, Engineering were compatible to those in USA and Britain. We anticipated AUD would appreciate against RM few years from then, as indicated by various commentaries of economists (Be Proactive).

Being cognizant of the above trends, the team jointly concurred to roll out a few strategic moves (Methods) as follows:

# Engaged a third party fund manager to launch two tranches of structured note products in AUD: 3-year tenure and 5-year tenure offered at minimum AUD50,000. The respective annual dividend coupon rate at 4% and 5% would be accumulated until product maturity. The maturity value at the end of 3rd/5th year would be refunded in AUD - left to the holders whether to deposit into an AUD bank account, or convert to RM and deposit into a local RM bank account. 

# The senior officers in charge of the agency channel identified agents who had wide contacts with high net worth clientele. We communicated with these sales players to convince them the idea that the two products could attract the attention of their clients who planned for the benefit of their next generations. Roadshows were also conducted to present the products to the agency force throughout Malaysia.

# Senior officers of the Bancassurance segment encouraged their counterparts in partnered banks to approach their premier customers.

# Conceptualised two captivating slogans: * Gift of love to a beloved child (established by a parent/grandparent). * Leaving a legacy to the young generation. The two concepts would resonate with the wishes of well-to-do parents/grandparents to set up an early education fund or gift of love for the younger generation.

# Seven months on from the launch of the campaign at the beginning of 2007, the score came quite close to our original target of RM200 million. There was still another 5 months to the end of the year. Our review assessment revealed sales pace for the two tranches was simmering down (Evaluation). To try stretching the overall SP results as far as possible above RM200 million, we required another strategic drive, which was to elevate the sales of the other (existing) SP product portfolio in RM by adding a couple of  "attractions". With an approved budget of RM110,000, we selected two latest Rolex watch models at RM11,000 each - one for male, the other for female. We committed to acquire 10 watches from an esteemed dealer when our Rolex Watch Lucky Draw Contest closed at the end of the year. Every RM50,000 SP in quantum would be entitled to 1 lucky draw coupon. For example, a client who signed up for a RM1 million case would be entitled to 20 coupons; the more coupons earned, the better chance of being picked up as one of the 10 winners.

To supplement the Rolex Watch Lucky Draw initiative, we connected with a fund manager of an international investment institution to mould a niche fund comprising a composition of 4 assets - bonds, fixed income, equity and cash. The composition ratios could be varied by the manager according to his mandate parameters, befitting the actual market conditions at any point in time for gaining potential upside.

The final result at the end of 2007: RM345 million!!! Till today, at this juncture of sharing, the figure still stands as the record for highest SP achievement in the corporation thus far. With regard to the two AUD tranches, the Australian currency appreciated by the third year (2010) from RM2.80 to around RM3.20 per AUD1, much to the elation of the holders.

Conclusion: My intention of sharing the above actual events in 2007 is to emphasise that performance efficacy will not come about easily unless with a structured process for diligent follow-through from beginning to trail end, bolstered by sincere spirit of mutuality with pertinent peers. Credit for any achievement should be attributed to the team engaged in a group synergy, not just to the person assigned to execute the initiative. My commendation goes to "Ms. ASC", the senior officers of the agency and bancassurance channels, and the fund managers for reflecting the fine example of winning together. 

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